Rules of the Corporate World: Part 2(Types of Managers)

hmmmm...interesting topic...isn't start...Manager...what is a manager...a manager is blaaah blaaha...a manager is blaah never ends...i should have been a manager after 2 years of MBA(supposingly)but still a long way to go...i think manager is the most abused and misused word in the whole corporate world...bloddy everybody is trying and striving to be a manager...for some being a manager is about getting a designation...for some being a manager is to run from the ground level work...for some other its to get a right to exploit their subbordinates in whichever possible...for some its just planning...for others its just not planning....for some its overdelegating...for others its just non cut the crap...being a manager according to me is the most difficult thing if you take it in true sense of word...where you are taking the responsibility and commanding it with an be answerable for the mistakes which you have committed or which your subordinates would have committed because of your negligence...where you add some value to the project for the fact of having a higher knowledge base as compared to the other people who are not 'managers'....a manager should plan...a manager should coordinate...a manager should delegate...a manager should get things done...but these should not be at the cost of not doing anything on your own ...not giving even the required bit from your side...that's not management all about...whatever i have experienced....Half of the people you meet will love to call themselves managers just because of the fact that they have reached a level where they can delegate and then forget about it....some 25% will be always tensed....always nervous...always fearful and highly risk averse...and this turns into a attitude where you just become over consicous for everything...and you don know where to draw a are scared and you pass on the same to your team which incidentally develop that attitude...and you are scared of every mistake which you may commit...that's not the way it should be i guess...i am more fond of the remaining 25% of the people...who call themselves managers...who are very good at their work...who knows where to delegate...where not to delegate...who takes all the responsibilities...and who can get things done without being pshyced about it....and ofcourse keep the team every possible way...that's the kind of manager ppl should strive to be....

The Bucket List

Movie...after a long time...amazing movie indeed...The Bucket List...with Freeman and Nicolson this movie is nothing less then a treat...the basic theme of this movie is the things which you will want to do if you know, when you are goin to die...or rather you know that you are goin to die soon...the theme indeed is so touching and true that nobody can deny the presence of this thought somewhere in their mind, sometime during their life...even if they don know that they are goin to die soon...but all of us indeed knows that we are goin to die...and whatever time in between will always be less....always inadequate to do what you want to do before reaching the death bed where it doesn't even matter...therefore???...should everybody start preparing a bucket list right from day one...naaah!! i think it can't work that way...there can be endless things which you may want to in and day out....some within your reach...some definitely out of the reach and some for which you have to strive a little harder...try a little too much but then acheivable...hmmmm so what it should be all about...i think everyone of us should have a list(doesn't mean that i have one)...a list to do things which you always wanted to do...not because you are goin to die but because now you are alive...the whole point of having a list is to be happy and feel joyful once you can strike off something from the list...when you have done something which you were always striving...and for which you had to try that extra bit...tht extra motivation...that extra effort...that's what my list will include...all the things which i wanted to do and for which i have to try a ll too much...that's the list which matters i guess...