I Hope…

Hope is a good thing my friend
And no good thing can die…

Thanks Shaks to make me see Shawshank Redemption…According to some Hope is a dangerous thing…it just let u expect too many things but for others this hope is the only way out…Hope…all of us have some hopes within us which nobody can touch or feel…its just a matter of feeling it ourselves…Hope is everywhere…when a mother conceive a child…she can only hope to get a healthy child…when the child grows up he can hope not to fall...when he is grown up he can hope for some friends or companion…a person who gets old hopes not to die...life is nothing but hope…a endless hope of some other hopes...it is this hope only which keeps us alive…a hope…a hope to succeed…a hope to grow…a hope to prospere…a hope to fame…a hope to make our mark…a hope to show the world that u exist…a hope to make all this hopes come true…that’s hope…to put it in other words…hope is our birth right and we can not get away with it…even if we want its always with us…the true success is to listen to the voice of your heart to know what it hopes and then leave no stone unturned to achieve it…human capability is endless…and so are hopes…I hope and so I know that I am capable…


Buls said...

Good post... A man is as good as dead if he cannot hope. Hope keeps us alive.

Shaks said...

I am HOPEFUL we will be frnd for yrs